Development of an indigenous ICT-based software (courseware) and its application in teacher education in Nigeria.
I O Eseni, A O Ogunleye
and B F Adeoye
University of Lagos
Lagos, Nigeria
All cultures develop unique educational systems for the benefit of their citizens. As part of this process, in this era of ICT, Nigeria needs to design, develop and introduce indigenous ICT software to cater for its pupils' classroom learning needs -- rather than rely on the Westernized e-learning enterprise. It is only when this is achieved that Nigerian children will feel they really belong to the global educational community.
However, at present, the software available in Nigerian schools is largely imported, with no local content Ñ an issue which the relevant policy document does not address in any way. In essence, this mainly Western-designed ICT software (courseware) does not match our indigenous curriculum and forces learners into an alien culture, using inappropriate content.
This paper examines ways of addressing this important issue by presenting examples of indigenous ICT software for (1) computer studies in primary school and (2) mathematics at the post-primary school level. The aim of the paper is to explore and encourage the further development of indigenous ICT software for education at all levels in Nigeria and beyond.