Learning 2.0, e-learning 2.0, Web 2.0, Library 2.0 -- nowadays everything is xxxx 2.0 but what does it mean?
Peter Duffy
Hong Kong Polytechnic
Hong Kong SAR, China
A plethora of terms has emerged from the ongoing debate about the evolution from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0, with Web 2.0 referring to a perceived or proposed second generation of Internet-based services. These Web 2.0 services -- such as social networking sites, communication tools, wikis and folksonomies -- emphasize social online collaboration, user-driven content generation and sharing among users. Other terms have since emerged that incorporate this underlying ontology of Web 2.0 and hint at various emerging themes within the realm of learning 2.0, e-learning 2.0, Classroom 2.0, Library 2.0 and even Identity 2.0 (to name a few). At present, there is a certain amount of hype surrounding any xxxx2.0 term and it is timely to consider how we as educators can move from the hype to the 'how' and 'why' of their suitability within our pedagogical context. This paper presents an overview of various terms that have evolved from the genesis of Web 2.0 and suggests some meaningful educational strategies for learners within these 'second generation' emergent terms.